Hyaluronic acid filler injections in the lower face can safely rejuvenate saggy, wrinkled skin in this area. There are many different areas of focus in the lower face, depending on the patient’s individual needs:
- Soften thenasolabial folds (the lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth)
- Soften the marionette lines (the folds from the corner of the mouth down towards the chin)
- Lift sagging mouth corners
- Improve mild jowls by injecting and providing support in front of them. This is often performed in conjunction with other treaments for the jowls.
- Soften the thin smile lines on thecheeks that form with facial movement
- Soften sleeper’s lines that form on the lateral cheeks from sleeping on your side at night.
- Soften the mental crease (the horizontal line across the top of the chin)
Many patients come in desiring treatment of one specific area, and Dr. Brown will gladly focus on that. However, it is most important to look at the face as a whole entity. Folds and wrinkles in the lower face may be due to lack of support in the upper face, at which time we may need to consider adding cheek fillers. Jowls are best addressed by providing support in front of them, providing more structure along the back jawline, and melting any unwanted large fat pockets. We don’t expect you to know exactly what you need – that’s not your job. This is where Dr. Brown’s vast experience and skill can help guide you in a plan to achieve your goals. For some patients, it is a quick, one-treatment visit. For others with more advanced aging, it may take several steps to get there. This is a journey and a process, and we are thrilled to be part of your adventure!
What fillers does Dr. Brown inject in the lower face?
The lower face requires more finesse for natural results. Because this area has constant movement throughout the day, you don’t want to sacrifice a natural look for the sake of eliminating every single wrinkle and fold. Dr. Brown commonly uses Restylane and Lyft fillers for most patients, but she may also use Voluma, Versa, or other hyaluronic acid fillers. Each filler has specific characteristics that Dr. Brown understands well in her choice of products. At the time of your consultation, we can develop a tailored strategy to address your facial needs.
How long will the results last?
Most fillers last 9-12 months in this area. We do recommend that you have maintenance injections every 9 months or so to keep your amazing results. This is quite similar to having your nails done or your hair colored (although injections are performed much less often). You certainly wouldn’t wait for your nails or hair color to grow out completely before repeating the process. The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that point all too well.
Is there any pain involved with the injections?
The potent topical numbing cream that we apply beforehand makes aworld of difference.Injections in this area are typically well tolerated without significant pain.For patients who are extremely concerned about the process, we can prescribe a small dose of Valium to take beforehand, but then a designated driver is needed to and from the appointment. We also have laughing gas (nitrous oxide)available for our timid patients, but this is rarely if ever needed for this area.
What is the downtime afterwards?
Swelling and bruising are more common in this area, particularly in the marionette lines. The extent of bruising is often dependent on the amount of filler injected as well as patient preparation (see below). This procedure is best done on a Friday or before a long weekend with some time off. Do not schedule this for 2 weeks before an important event, just to be safe. We also recommend that you are prepared with a thick concealer (such as Dermablend) to cover up potential bruises. You will not likely be running errands or returning to work right after your filler appointment.